Book Review: One Dark Throne by Kendare Blake

Title: One Dark Throne
Author: Kendare Blake
Series: Three Dark Crowns #2
Published: 2017
Publisher: HarperTeen
Pages: 464
From: Barnes and Noble
Rating: 8/10
I am not even sure how to go about explaining how much I love the Three Dark Crowns book series. Kendare Blake continues to impress with this feminist take on royalty within a magical world separate from our own, where sister queens are born to kill for the throne. This really is such a unique story, and I love the writing style (like always) that I just can’t help but gush!
One Dark Throne, the second in Blake’s Three Dark Crowns series, continues the stories of Mirabella, Katharine and Arsinoe as they attempt to become the queen of Fennbirn. The three sisters, who have lived apart since they were small, changed dramatically from the first in the book series to now, and even they continue to develop as characters and young women throughout this installment. I love the dark changes Katharine undergoes, and I also enjoy the sisterly bond of Mirabella and Arisnoe. It is such a fresh look at the bond of sisterhood and womanhood that I cannot help but give this book such a high rating.
Just my usual concern, sometimes it felt like the story could have ended before it did, and that another two books were not exactly necessary. I only felt this because sometimes I feel stories are pushed too far, or forced to do the bidding of the writer, and I guess I got that vibe slightly from this book. But, that does not change the fact that I did enjoy immensely where the story took us, and how the story will continue on.
My favorite part, I think, is probably the Breccia Domain portions. The darkness involved in that is so deep and disturbing, and it is done in such a way that it does not feel like horror to me, that I am impressed and loved that I could feel the terror and the other queens.
Seriously, if you have not read anything by Kendare Blake, I highly recommend starting with this lovely series. It is magical like the greenery in spring, and as fine as the mist surrounding Fennbirn. It is a wonder.
One Dark Throne can be found online or at any brick and mortar bookstore.