Tag: Three Dark Crowns
Book Review: One Dark Throne by Kendare Blake
Title: One Dark ThroneAuthor: Kendare BlakeSeries: Three Dark Crowns #2Published: 2017Publisher: HarperTeenPages: 464From: Barnes and NobleRating: 8/10 I am not even sure how to go about explaining how much I love the Three Dark Crowns book series. Kendare Blake continues to impress with this feminist take on royalty within a magical world separate from our […]
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Book Review: Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake
Title: Three Dark CrownsAuthor: Kendare BlakeSeries: Three Dark Crowns #1Published: 2016Publisher: HarperTeenPages: 403From: Barnes and NobleRating: 9/10 Have you ever just been entranced by something you’ve read? I truly believe this happened to me with the book, Three Dark Crowns, written by Kendare Blake. It was the first book I’ve ever read by this wonderful […]
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