Tag: Book
Aveyard, Victoria, Book Reviews
Author: Victoria AveyardSeries: Realm Breaker #1Published: May 4, 2021Publisher: Harper TeenPages: 576From: Barnes and NobleRating: 8/10 When I cracked the spine of the newest trilogy by young adult author Victoria Aveyard, I had the highest of hopes. Here, in my hands, was the latest adventure a prolific writer has blessed upon the world, an adventure […]
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Book Reviews, Ciccarelli, Kristen
Book Review: The Last Namsara by Kristen Ciccarelli
Title: The Last NamsaraAuthor: Kristen CiccarelliSeries: Iskari #1Published: 2017Publisher: HarperTeenPages: 416From: Barnes and NobleRating: 8/10 So I finished this really interesting debut novel, The Last Namsara, by Kristen Ciccarelli last night right before midnight, and wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. This book was really crazy and fun and lush and imaginative! Kristen Ciccarelli said she had […]
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Book Review: The Woman in the Window by A.J. Finn
Title: The Woman in the WindowAuthor: A.J. FinnSeries: NonePublished: January 2018Publisher: William MorrowPages: 429From: Wal-MartRating: 8/10 A book about a woman who locks herself in her home for an extended period of time, spies on her neighbors, and sees something she is unsure of? This sounded like my kind of book! I love narrators who […]
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Book Review: The Death of Mrs. Westaway by Ruth Ware
Title: The Death of Mrs. WestawayAuthor: Ruth WareSeries: NonePublished: May 2018Publisher: Gallery/Scout PressPages: 368From: Wal-MartRating: 9/10 The Death of Mrs. Westaway is not Ruth Ware’s first novel, but it is my favorite that the author has written so far. The book, about a young woman who receives a letter claiming she has an inheritance waiting […]
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Book Review: Underground Airlines by Ben H. Winters
Title: Underground AirlinesAuthor: Ben H. WintersSeries: NonePublished: July 2016Publisher: Mulholland BooksPages: 336From: Barnes and NobleRating: 9/10 Awhile ago, I decided to do a review for my local book club I’m a member of. I am the youngest in the circle by about 30 years, and I feel it is very difficult to choose a book […]
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Book Review: Hatchet by Gary Paulsen
Title: Hatchet Author: Gary Paulsen Series: Brian’s Saga #1 Published: November 1986 Publisher: Simon and Schuster Books for Young Readers Pages: 186 From: Barnes and Noble Rating: 8/10 I first read Gary Paulsen’s survival novel Hatchet back in fifth grade, I think, when we were starting out our real chapter book reading and discovering who […]
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