Girl on Fire: Havin’ a colorful summer

Color Run[As seen in Creston News Advertiser, July 3, 2013]

irst, I want to say I got a letter last week. The letter came from Fire Service Training Bureau in Ames, and said I passed both the practical and written aspects of my firefighter test. I’m now a certified Creston volunteer firefighter!

Second, I read an article recently about women finding it easier to lose weight if they have a virtual reality character that looks like them that is losing weight, too.

I find it interesting people are coming up with so many ways to help people be healthier and happier versions of themselves.

One way that is happening, and my next challenge, is the Color Run July 13 in Des Moines. My sister, who was in a minor car accident last winter and injured her back, may not be able to run, so we will probably walk the 3.1 miles of rainbow fun. This will be the second Color Run for both of us.

The next fun event I’m doing is Warrior Dash. This three-mile obstacle course is being held in Earlham for the second year, and I am super excited! The obstacle course is August 24, so now is the time to start getting in shape for the trail run/upper body killer/mental war that will take place. It’s a good thing I’m participating with my cousin. I don’t think I could do it by myself.

I read another article the other day that said one great whole-body workout is tree-climbing. I remember climbing trees when I was younger, with my sister, when we didn’t care about bugs in our hair or dirt under our nails.

This summer will be much different than the last few summers, mostly since I’ll be inside rather than spending time on a mower 12 hours a day during the week. Maybe finding trees to climb would be a great way to get out in the sunshine, while it lasts, while burning calories and having fun. Plus, all that fresh green grass and leaves! It won’t stay that way all year!

There is so much I love about summer, and I know I’m going to miss this season up until next May, when yellow daisies and pink tulips burst from the ground and bumblebees start their buzzing. I plan to take advantage of this summer as much as possible, starting with the Color Run and Warrior Dash, two fun, bright summer events.

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